The DLC also adds a very good new level that serves as an introduction to the new enemies: the Beastmen. It’s the opposite approach to what a coop game should have, as it actively discourages players from replaying weaves and forces friends to waste their time to help another friend, getting no reward or fun in the process. In an example of intense disrespect for player’s time and a profound misunderstanding of how most people play, replaying any weave grants about 5% of the original reward for it - meaning that if levels get too difficult or you go help a new player do weaves you’ve already completed, your 3000 essence reward will be replaced with something like 90 essence - roughly 1/50th of the amount necessary to upgrade a single item past wave 15. Luckily, the essence needed for upgrades can be gathered both in weaves and normal levels - but only the first time you play each of the weaves. That makes it a vast improvement over Vermintide 2’s standard mission length of 40 minutes, and allows for a much more focused and fun experience that doesn’t require you to waste a whole evening just to get half a dozen levels under your belt. Since each mission is a small portion of a different level tweaked with new graphic assets and one or two navigational changes, weave missions often take about 10 minutes, and never more than 20 or 25 minutes to complete. These additions are much more tactical than they sound, allowing players to handle the unending hordes in a different manner to the base game, but the best part of the update is without a doubt its running time. Each wind brings unique properties to it, such as the Lore of Metal that makes armoured enemies tougher but gives players who kill them a surrounding aura of flying metal, or the Lore of Heavens which periodically drops devastating lightning strikes from the skies. For the first 40 (forty!) levels, you will run through 5 missions in a row on each of the 8 winds, before going into a mixed playlist from weaves 40 to 120. Originally touted as a sort of random level generator that would take portions of levels and put them through multiple mutators for each run, the end result is a very linear and tailored chain of missions, down to the exact same spawn of bosses, elites, and hordes on replay.