These accompany the already present red vignette and are positioned in a way that will help you locate the direction from which you are getting hit. This game update also focuses on improving feedback to the player through the addition of onscreen directional hit effects. Documentation for all these new settings will be available around the stable release of 1.15. If you already have any feedback or requests, do not hesitate to share your thoughts on our feedback tracker. We’re already looking at expanding the customization options even further for future updates. Support for overriding other gameplay parameters, currently stored within the server config (to simplify the approach) Placing and construction restrictions in basebuilding in cfgGameplay.json Player stamina system in cfgGameplay.json

Weather behavior through various parameters in cfgWeather.xml For now, these include control over the following systems: These new files (within the mission folder) aim to make certain gameplay adjustments more accessible without the need for modding the game itself. One of the update’s major additions is the new server-side gameplay settings. We will cover the parts of the update we’d like the most feedback on while avoiding any talk about the new content, which you can find by exploring the experimental servers or by visiting our official change notes. It’s only been a few weeks since we released the biggest update of the year (1.14), but here we are again, this time with the first experimental release of Game Update 1.15.